Dactylo Tarot

symbol with an eye representative of the tarot deck

Timeline 5 weeks
Roles Visual Designer, Type Setter, Layout Design
Tools InDesign, Illustrator


Tarot has been a long standing tradition beginning with playing cards dating back to the 14th century. Nowadays, it’s an exciting way to gain some personal insights while touching upon the mysteries of the occult. However, tarot cards can be difficult to read and intimidating to get into.

Dive into the Unknown

Dactylo tarot is a much more simplified version than the ornate tarot cards of the past. Focused heavily on type, this offers a more accessible way into reading cards without needing a guide nearby or having to lookup meanings online.



In the spirit of bringing tarot into the latest century, the symbols of the major arcana were broken down into cleaner vector based symbols. These symbols still capture the spirit of the major arcana, while keeping the focus on the type definitions.

Occult Guides

Cards in Play

With these constraints in mind, Dactylo tarot’s major arcana came to life. They were play tested amongst design students, and the majority of users felt they had a much easier time not only understanding what certain cards meant, but reading them in different positions such as downturn and upturn.

Read my Fortune